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The Spring Break Shuffle (When You Are Behind)
I know you made awesome plans at the beginning of the year, and you had everything scheduled and figured out, but...
Quick Start Guide for Homeschooling
Are you planning to start homeschooling this year? Have you decided to pull your kids out of school mid-year and begin?
Making the Switch (When Homeschool Isn't Working)
You are both struggling. How do you know when it's time to make the switch in a subject and try something new?
Preparing Our Kids for the Future
Seeing the things my older daughters have had to learn to handle makes me pause to wonder how I can help my youngest get ready.
Pick a Reason, Any Reason For Homeschooling
There are a myriad of reasons for homeschooling. Today I’m going to list some for you to think about.
Let's Talk About Co-ops
For the homeschool world, a cooperative (or co-op), means a group of homeschool families who get together to provide activities or classes.
How Can I Teach Thee? Let Me Count the Ways...
There are so many ways to homeschool! Some I love. Some I do not like.
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