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Homeschool Links
Here are some of my favorite sites to help you on your homeschool journey!
Making the Switch (When Homeschool Isn't Working)
You are both struggling. How do you know when it's time to make the switch in a subject and try something new?
Preparing Our Kids for the Future
Seeing the things my older daughters have had to learn to handle makes me pause to wonder how I can help my youngest get ready.
The Glamorous Life of a Part-Time Author
I need to spend time writing every day. I need to consider it a part-time job.
A New Book!
This book was actually written about 15 years ago. I wrote it for my oldest daughter, who was about 7 or 8 then.
Pick a Reason, Any Reason For Homeschooling
There are a myriad of reasons for homeschooling. Today I’m going to list some for you to think about.
Free Printables for Teachers!
As we all get ready to kick off the new school year, taking time to teach about manners, kind words, and friendship can go a long way...
Kicking Off the Morning
However you decide to begin your homeschool days, have a plan and keep to that routine.
Homeschool School Supply List
Check your curriculum to see what is required. Know how artsy your family is. Know that you can always buy some more later.
Homeschool Prep You Might Not Think About
Here are some homeschool prep items you can do that will help your year run much smoother...and they have nothing to do with academics!
Teaching the Wiggle Worm--How to Deal with a Different Learning Style
You might be surprised how many things can be done orally instead of in writing. There is a time and a place for writing, but...
Your Learning Community
How to build a learning community around you for your homeschool. Addresses the question, "But what about socialization?"
Celebrating Emancipation on Juneteenth
Celebrating Juneteenth (Emancipation Day) with your family.
One Big Thing (How to Schedule in the Summer)
Finding your summer vibe is important to help your household run smoothly and your children know what to expect each day.
Summer Reading & Rewards
If traditional reading logs seem daunting to your child, feel free to download and print these fun summer reading logs to use.
Reading That Is NOT Schoolwork, But For Fun
The one thing you must hang on to is reading. But please don't think about "Reading" as a subject to teach. I'm talking about SUMMER READING
Who Is Ready for a Book Launch?
I am over here happily putting countdown dates on my calendar for the book launch.
Learning to Be an Author
I have a lot of things to say. I have so many ideas in my head that need to come out in book form.
The Weather and Your Homeschool Schedule
The weather does affect homeschooling. Actually, it's something you need to learn to work around.
The Book is Better aka How to Raise Readers
We read SO many good books in that book club, each time culminating in a day of activities and fun centered around the book's theme.
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